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New NLAIRSOFT project - The Gunbuilder

Written by // Ronald “SlickAxe” Meeuwissen Categories // Special

Great Airsoft custom builds made and explained!

New NLAIRSOFT project - The Gunbuilder

This is a new project at NLAIRSOFT.COM. Next to writing reviews we will be making worlds greatest custom builds and explain exactly what we did and why we did this. We will start with custom builds every quarter and hope to present a custom build every month later on. Offcourse suggestions for projects are welcome. Do let us know your wildest dreams and hopefully we can make that happen. Suggestions are welcome in the forums...

For this project we assigned Mr. Custom to make these custom builds become reality. Some say he is the best airsoft gunsmith in the Benelux. Some say he can fix every airsoft gun. Some say he even customises his speedloaders! Others say he has his own custom projects never seen before. What we know for sure; he is the best man to do the job.

Project #1 is "a mix of something old and something new". We are looking forward to that! Keep an eye on this project and the first reveal of Project #1 :)

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